Latest Articles from Jemima

Hurrah! The Slow Content Movement Is Here to
Save Us All From AI-Driven Enshittification

Perhaps, like me, when you first came across the term ‘enshittification,’ as gloriously elucidated by Observer columnist John Naughton, your heart skipped with joy? Yes! I thought, finally, here is a deliciously cathartic term that perfectly captures the social-media-driven theft of my time and brainpower… read more

The Power of Radical Acceptance in Managing Fibromyalgia

Have you ever noticed how having fibromyalgia can feel a lot like being stuck on a cursed, pain-inducing swirly slide? Sometimes, we get to take a little break on the uncomfortable seat at the top of the slide, but whenever something triggers us into a flare, we find ourselves spiraling down through the worst of our symptoms,… read more

How to Start Communicating With Your Customers
In a Way That Lifts Them Up

We all buy from brands that make us feel good, right? But what exactly does that mean? They probably don’t just tell us that we’re awesome—although, they might sprinkle some of that good stuff around along the way. In reality, fantastic brand communication is all about meeting customer needs head-on, providing all the key info in a timely manner, and building totally dependable, rock-solid trust that grows into lasting and loyal relationships… read more

It’s Never Been Easier to Ditch Fast Fashion,
So Are You In?

Those of us with a passion for fashion are often hungrily hooked on the power that personal expression allows us to harness—a magical force that builds confidence and helps us leave our mark on the world! But, have you ever stopped to wonder if your fabulous wardrobe might have a less-than-fabulous footprint? I did, and here’s what I discovered… read more

Why Think Twice About Sandwich Panels for Your Roof Renovation

If you are planning your next home renovation, you may be exploring a sandwich panel roof as an affordable option to help get your project on its way. However, there are a number of potential disadvantages to sandwich panels that might make you pause for thought. Here at Simplicity Planet, we tend to advise our clients against this roofing material, and today, we’ll walk you through exactly why that is… read more

Here’s Why You Should Polish Your AI-Generated
Content Before Hitting Publish

When Geoffrey Hinton compared the emerging generation of AI tools to “the Industrial Revolution, or electricity… or maybe the wheel,” it was clear that big, world-altering changes were afoot within the realm of content creation. But, if left unchecked, might AI-generated copy pose a risk to your brand? Join me as I examine potential perils, such as weird un-human errors, worrisome hallucinations, and the looming threat of liability… read more

How Did We Get Here? Tracing the Rise of the
Contemporary Unicorn

There’s a certain mystical beast that has — in glorious defiance of not actually existing — managed to infuse itself into just about every area of modern human living. I speak, of course, of none other than the majestic unicorn. So impressive is this noble creature’s world domination that these days, it can be tricky to keep one’s exposure down below a dozen or so encounters a day… read more

Scorched Earth and Green Shoots: Lessons in Resilience

Jemima, an English copywriter, lives in Portugal with her Belgian partner, where they have rebuilt a smallholding and are reconnecting with nature after devastating wildfires swept through the region in the summer of 2017. Here she reflects back on the extraordinary lessons of joy to be found when disaster strikes… read more

Hiring a ghostwriter

Hiring a Ghostwriter For Your Brand Copywriting

If you hear the term “ghostwriter”, what’s the image that it conjures? If your imagination runs as freely as mine, perhaps you’ll picture a mysterious scribe, sequestered in a romantic country hideaway, quietly working away on the memoir of some glamorous and high-profile celebrity? A flattering vision indeed! In truth, the scope of ghostwriting isn’t always quite as seductive—although it can still be a lot of fun for the writer… Read more

From Tree to Tapas: The Noble Olive

I just adore olives. I could honestly gobble them down all day! These wonderful little fruits are celebrated as a delectable speciality the world over, and have a place of pride on any kitchen table. The first time I found myself in an ancient European olive grove – in Italy I believe – with gnarled and twisted trunks twisting up to stretching branches of delicate, silvery leaves I knew I was quite in love… Read more

free images from pixabay

How To Source Free Images for Your Website

No business budget for pictures? No sweat! Let’s have a look at some of the ways in which you can source free images online, plus a few cautions to consider along the way. If you’re just here for the links, scroll on down to discover my go-to free image sources. However, if you’d like to know more about the nuances of image use, please read on… Read more

Life Behind A Mask: Finding A Detour To Human Connection

Are face masks going to linger as a daily sight, post-pandemic, as they were already in China or Japan before 2020 turned the world upside down? I can’t help but question what destinies await for the subtleties of human interaction. What might the costs of such a social barrier be in the long term, and how can we circumnavigate them?… Read more

Expatra Guides to Living in Portugal

Jemima is a freelance English writer based in Central Portugal. She divides her time between keyboard-fuelled adventures into the realms of commercial copywriting and maintaining a traditional Portuguese smallholding with her Belgian partner. Discover her Living in Portugal guides at Expatra; the go-to hub for those dreaming of launching into a new life abroad! Read more

The Magic Of Blogging: A Boost For Your Brand

While an entire generation of Tamagotchis tragically succumbed to neglect in the bottom of a drawer and, thankfully, the prophesied Armageddon of Y2K came and went without actual apocalyptic catastrophe, blogging is a relic of the 90s that has managed to keep a firm hold within popular culture into the new century and beyond… Read more

Boost the relevance of your brand with energetic and informative blogs and articles. Light up your social media presence, bolster your SEO, and foster your authority as the go-to business in your area of expertise. Fantastic content will connect you with your audience—creating a tangible picture of who you are and what you believe in!

Jemima is a great writer, who puts her heart and soul into her work. She is highly reliable – frequently delivering well ahead of schedule. With her creative mind I am able to communicate the most basic outline of what I need, or wish to achieve, and Jemima takes care of the rest. The icing on the cake is that she is such a joy to work and communicate with – sweet, fun and thoughtful. A delight to work with.

Melanie, Word Up Virtual

Haiku Diary

For those curious to discover a little about the inner workings of Jemima, why not visit my Haiku Diary? I will keep adding to it whenever inspiration strikes!