Work With Jemima
Boost the relevance of your brand with energetic and informative blogs and articles. Light up your social media presence, bolster your SEO, and foster your authority as the go-to business in your area of expertise. Fantastic content will connect you with your audience—creating a tangible picture of who you are and what you believe in!
Each time I work with Jemima, the result is fantastic, communication is perfect and always on time or ahead of time. She takes time to really learn about the issue/topic and her crisp language is always on point. Highly recommend!
Direct Inquiries
Am I a great fit for your team or brand? If so, I’d love to know!
To discuss a job position or some other form of direct collaboration, please send me an email and we can connect.
Sharp as a Japanese sword. Clever as Marilyn vos Savant. Delivery – spot on. Not just a pretty face 🙂
From informative articles to enthralling storytelling; from how-to guides to well-researched think-pieces: I thrive on getting in touch with the drive behind each brand that I work with, and exploring each new topic that I research. Allow me to paint a picture for your target audience and help you tell your story!
Jemima is a breath of fresh air. It’s great to finally deal with someone who understands what you want and has the ability to convey it in a wonderfully written article. I look forward to working with Jemima again.