Hiring a Ghostwriter For Your Commercial Copywriting: What’s the Deal?


If you hear the term “ghostwriter”, what’s the image that it conjures? If your imagination runs as freely as mine, perhaps you’ll picture a mysterious scribe, sequestered in a romantic country hideaway, quietly working away on the memoir of some glamorous and high-profile celebrity? A flattering vision indeed!

In truth, the scope of ghostwriting isn’t always quite as seductive—although it can be a lot of fun for the writer in any case. Many don’t realise that ghostwriting can span all types of copy, meaning that where there are words, there may well be a ghostwriter. While some taking on this mantle could be the wordsmiths behind your favourite bestsellers, others simply do the work of helping businesses find the best version of their day-to-day voice.

What Is a Ghostwriter?

Simply put, a ghostwriter is someone who crafts writing that will be published under another person’s name. This might come in the form of a writer helping a public figure tell their autobiographical story, or perhaps a freelancer drawing a CEO’s thoughts together into an ultra-compelling read for their next company newsletter. In fact, many businesses outsource all of their commercial blogs, newsletters, and common correspondence to writers—and publish the results as if created by members of their team.

Why Ghostwriters Are Handy For Businesses

These days, creating great written content is a powerful and cost-effective tool within any digital marketing arsenal. Posting regular and enticing reads can drive sales, draw new website traffic, and bolster public perception of a brand. Business owners know all of this, but they often don’t have so much as a spare minute in the day to write and roll out an effective content strategy. Not to mention, they might just not be that confident in their writing skills. After all, writing probably isn’t the to-the-core calling that inspired them to start their business to begin with!

This is exactly where a discreet freelancer’s confidential services come into their own. By representing in writing, ghostwriters ultimately free up the precious time of those whose voice they are commissioned to embody. This means that the client remains free to get on with doing all of the magical things that make us want to read the words they publish in the first place.

How a Great Ghostwriter Can Assist

When a ghostwriter tackles commercial copywriting, their goal is a simple one. They must step into the persona of the brand or professional at hand. This means not only adopting the right style and tone—attuned to the brand personality and niche market in question—but also developing an understanding of the goals and aspirations of their client, both in terms of this single piece of copy and beyond.

The commission might have specific SEO keyword targets to achieve or a common customer problem to solve, or it might serve to help paint a picture of values that will resonate for the audience. Fundamentally, a top-notch ghostwriter will hit each and every one of these facets out of the park, so that the person whose name will ultimately appear on the page—whether web-based or paper in nature—will feel that their intent has been articulated beautifully.

So, there you have it! The world is full of interesting people with exciting stories to tell. When putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard is not at the top of their agenda, ghostwriters step in to provide curated and confidential assistance. Why not get a little help in putting your message out into the world?